The Best Advice Facebook Ever Gave Me

Originally posted on Clips and Phrases.

Well, not Facebook per se, but the fantastic, smart, and savvy folks on it. In short, I was preparing for a panel on social media marketing and put the following question out to my peeps:

"What's one thing you think is critical for (Jewish, nonprofit) social media marketers to know, do, or avoid?"

And here are the answers I got, divided into handy-dandy categories for your reading pleasure.

It’s Social Media, So…Be Social:

The conversation is happening with or without them. It's best to be a part of the conversation and get their ideas/analysis into the mix and be actively engaged. –Ellen Slaggert Neuchterlein

Keep it a two way street– post things, get info out, but welcome and then follow through with that which comes back. –Anita Saltzman Silvert

Use your greatest advantage – your natural networking abilities – to create a network of people who are talking about the organization rather than to be one person talking to many. – Debra Askanase

Another point is related to those above – that it's not a "push-out-the-message-via-PR" strategy, but one of bi- and multi-directional engagement. Ask questions, listen to the answers, and prepare to translate those pieces of feedback into action to improve the product/organization/reputation/service. –Esther Kustanowitz

It’ Ain’t All About the Benjamins, Baby (At Least Not Yet):

One thing to note is that the number one goal of social media for non-profits can't be fundraising, if people feel that all you are doing is asking for things they won't engage. As everyone said, this is a two way street, so social media should be used to get people more vested in a non-profit via meaningful communication. That way, when the non-profit asks for help, the person has a stronger connection to them because of the social media relationship they have developed. There is a slew of research that shows that social media helps brands be top of mind, for future engagement, not for immediate spending. –Rae Gross

Using social media is a two way street, the non-profit needs to give those following something (i.e. relevant information about whats happening in the community, educational, historical, fun, etc.) before they start trying to fundraise to those followers. Also, should create engagement and not just "push" things out to show they are posting. – Micha Siegel

Be You! Do Yo’ Thang!:

DO be likeable and approachable through your media and always align with your mission, vision and values. DON'T avoid the complaints-feedback and how you respond is part of becoming more likeable. –Elaine L. Suchow

Have personality! Make sure it's consistent with your brand identity not just the person with their fingertips on the keyboard. Though making sure they're REAL is also great, as long as it's consistent. Have fun! –Lisa Colton

Tell the story through the relationships and the experiences. People not product. Unless it's dark chocolate with sea salt. New personal favorite. –Shariee Calderone

Spell-check is Your Friend, and Other Practical Nuggets:

Know who you are talking to and what that person/audience cares about. –Rebecca Saidlower

I always see a lax attitude when it comes to grammar, punctuation and diction. The more professional they come off, the more respect they get from the public. –David Steinberg

Keep your personal and work accounts on different apps. –Leah Jones

Especially with Jewish audiences, I like to point out that although these communications tools are often seen as "technology" (and therefore SCARY!!), what the tools provide is an ability to expand our points of connection with individuals and build a stronger Jewish community. Usually when that's stated, it helps calm tech-anxiety. Also, if you talk about Facebook as facilitating Jewish geography, that usually gets a giggle and a nod as people begin to get it.  –Esther Kustanowitz

And, a Final Note on Courage:

Dare to say only what's worth saying. Work hard to figure out what the hell this might mean. –Ken Gordon

What resonates with you on this list? What would you add?

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