Web 2.0 is Everywhere

This is our first post from CAJE 33 and I have been amazed by my first experience of a CAJE conference. Though my attendance at the conference is being sponsored by Darim Online, Caren and Lisa said I should pick sessions that were of personal interest in addition to sessions that would be relevant to Darim work as well. So I did and Monday night I went to a session done by Torah Aura publications on Israel education. So what’s the point…well I walked in and in addition to all of the standard presenter contact information right there on the board was the address to the Torah Aura wiki. Already my interest was peaked and when I found out that Torah Aura puts their teacher’s guides online in wiki form, so that teachers could learn from the publications and each other, I was hooked. Wow, I thought, web 2.0 is even here.

But that was not even it for the evening. Tisha b’Av was closing and Storahtelling was facilitating the final program. As the session I was in starts, the stage is set with a blogger from Buenos Aires. The story connected to Tisha b’Av from there but again it was a web 2.0 reference in a non-technology track session. Web 2.0 is all around us at CAJE 33 so I’ve caught the bug so I grabbed my computer and got to work.

Stay tuned for more on synagogue Web 2.0 later in the week.

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