Apply Now: Get Your Leadership On With NTEN’s Technology Leadership Academy

nten leadership academy logo Yes, folks, it may be summer but it’s time to start thinking about going back to school! NTEN is offering a special 9 week webinar-based Technology Leadership Academy. The Academy will accept 50 nonprofits with budgets under $2 million, to be represented by 2 participants from each organization, including the executive director and a tech-responsible individual.

Attendees of the Academy will be able to:

  • Articulate the value of technology in their organization for themselves, funders, and other key stakeholders.
  • View technology as integral to every department in their organizations.
  • Recognize options for funding IT projects in their organizations.
  • Staff technology effectively.
  • Manage the organizational change that technology can produce.

Topics include:

  • Future of IT in Nonprofits / Presented by Edward Granger-Happ
  • IT Planning and Implementation / Presented by Steve Heye & John Merritt
  • Introduction to IT and Systems / Presented by Andy Wolber
  • Information Management Systems / Presented by Laura Quinn
  • Effective Internet Presence / Presented by Katya Andresen
  • Evaluation: Technology ROI / Presented by Beth Kanter
  • The Human Side of Technology / Presented by James Weinberg
  • Weekly Ask the Experts sessions including Charlene Li, Founder of Altimeter Group and Auther of Open Leadership

The Academy is being offered through the generous support of Microsoft and will run from September 29 – November 22.

Learn more about the Academy and guidelines for application here and if you qualify and are interested apply here!

Don’t miss out – the deadline for applications is Friday, July 30th. Applicants will be notified of their status by August 6, 2010.

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